Answers about rice

The U.S. rice industry produces 20 billion pounds of rice annually. 

There are 5,563 rice farmers throughout the country that grow rice across a collective 2.8 million acres. 

Most of the farming is done by family farms across six major rice-producing states of Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas. 

On average, each rice farm contributes $1 million to their local e

Rice Production - 11/07/23

As a staple food for millions of people around the world, rice plays a central role in many of our diets. 

Rice production demonstrates a commitment to sustainable agriculture, often leading the way in water management and innovative agricultural practices, which are a cornerstone of environmental conservation. 

We talked with Dr. Bruce Linquist with the University of California's Extension Service about rice production in one of the largest rice-producing states. 

With a couple of weather systems moving through this week, Meteorologist 

Matt Makens shows us who will benefit from the possibility of moisture!

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